I wasn't sure whether to post this in my blog section or my writing section but ultimately I think it belongs more as a 'Roe's Notes' post considering this is much more to heart and less of a piece of fiction. Maybe I'll move it in the future but for now it will sit here. Enjoy my musings on the rain!
The Rain
The United Kingdom is an overall very wet country. Throughout the year, whether summer or winter there is a promise that it will rain. It is one of the things I like most about living here. It is regular, a promise that no amount of sunshine will last before the grey clouds, heavy with water, dominate the sky.
It is when the first raindrops start to fall that the world begins to change. People who only idly walk past my house start to run. I can tell they curse themselves for not bringing an umbrella. More raindrops fall, more and more, faster and faster. Midday soon becomes as dark as dusk. The temperature falls and all other sounds are drowned out by droplets of water bouncing off of all surfaces that they come into contact with.
Almost out of respect, I stop everything I am doing to sit by my window which I open just a bit, enough to hear, smell and feel the rain but not enough to get too damp. The sky is crying and I let it lament to me. With the rain I feel a kinship, solidarity, comfort, peace. In these moments I feel as though I am given permission to just stop, feel and know that I am alive.
I always feel so disappointed when the rain starts to ease and fades away leaving a world wet with nature’s tears. Birds in their nests ruffle their damp feathers indignantly to expel any water trapped on their little bodies that the leaves above had failed to shelter them from. Puddles pool in the uneven stone of the street in little lakes and rivers and I wonder if the smallest of animals and insects think of it the same way as we do when the rain floods us. The world stays calm and docile only for a short while after. It soon returns to the state that it was in before, only a little greener now, nourished. I miss the rain as soon as it goes. I can’t wait for it to visit me again.